AMSR-2 3-day average Air-Sea Essential Climate Variables (AS-ECV) (version 8 & 8.2)

AMSR-2 3-days average SST, wind speed, vapor, cloud water and rain data

The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer is flown on Aqua polar orbiter providing full global coverage over the oceans. As a microwave instrument it, can "see" though clouds the only obstacle is heavy precipitation. Derived measurables are SST, surface wind speed, vertical column vapor and cloud water, and rain rate.

Version 8.2 (V08.2; 2021-05-19) is a major update:

Please see AMSR v8.2 drift correction.

The data were acquired from the site. If you will use these data in publication please acknowledge their source (for details see the link to the originator).

V08.0: Sea Surface Temperature (deg C), 10-meter Surface Wind Speed - Low Frequency (m/s), 10-meter Surface Wind Speed - Med Frequency (m/s) , Atmospheric Water Vapor (mm), Cloud Liquid Water (mm), Rain Rate (mm/hr)
V08.2: Sea Surface Temperature (deg C) spatial resolution of retrieval is approx. 46km, 10-meter Surface Wind Speed - Low Frequency - (m/s) spatial resolution of retrieval is approx. 32km, 10-meter Surface Wind Speed - Med Frequency - (m/s) spatial resolution of retrieval is approx. 18km, 10-meter surface wind speed - all weather (m/s) spatial resolution of retrieval is approx. 46km, Columnar Atmospheric Water Vapor (kg m-2) spatial resolution of retrieval is approx. 18km, Columnar Cloud Liquid Water (kg m-2) spatial resolution of retrieval is approx. 9km, Rain Rate (mm/hr) spatial resolution of retrieval is approx. 9km, land mask (0 = water. 1 = land), sea ice mask (0 = no sea ice detected in grid cell. 1 = sea ice detected in grid cell), coast mask (0 = away from coast. 1 = close to coast), number of observation mask (0 = observation exists. 1 = no observation)
ZonalGlobal by 0.25 deg
MeridionalGlobal by 0.25 deg
Temporal V08.0: Jul 2, 2012 to Aug 31, 2021 by 1 day
V08.2: Jul 2, 2012 to near present by 1 day
Volume 6.0 Mbytes per day
Server public:
Acquired June 4, 2014 / Jan 23, 2022 (Updated weekly)
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Supplements N/A