New gridded daily-averaged wind and wind stress fields (DASCAT) have been estimated over global oceans from ASCAT retrievals using objective method. The analyses use standard products ASCAT L2b during the period April 2007 through March 2009, and ASCAT L2b 12.5 from April 2009 to present ( According to the ASCAT sampling scheme, the objective method allowing the determination of regular in space and surface wind fields uses ASCAT observations as well as ECMWF analyses. The latter are considered as the temporal interpolation basis of ASCAT retrievals. The resulting fields have spatial resolutions of 0.25° in longitude and latitude. The calculation of daily estimates uses ascending as well as descending available and valid retrievals. The objective method aims to provide daily-averaged gridded wind speed, zonal component, meridional component, wind stress and the corresponding components at global scale. The error associated to each parameter, related to the sampling impact and wind space and time variability, is provided too. More details about data, objective method, computation algorithm may be found in (Bentamy et al, 2011).
The daily wind fields are calculated in near real time with a delay of 48 hours. This first version is considered as data test that will provide useful insight for near real time production of high space and time resolutions at global and regional scales.
How to cite: The CERSAT data are freely distributed. However, when using these data in a publication, they request that the following acknowledgement be given :
"These data were obtained from the Centre de Recherche et d'Exploitation Satellitaire (CERSAT), at IFREMER, Plouzané (France)"
They also request a reprint of any papers or reports published using these data (send to, in order to update their reference archive and to improve their knowledge of the oceanographic community's needs.
Bentamy Abderrahim, Croize-Fillon Denis (2012). Gridded surface wind fields from Metop/ASCAT measurements. International Journal Of Remote Sensing, 33(6), 1729-1754. doi:10.1080/01431161.2011.600348
Variables | Meridional wind component (m/s) Meridional wind error (m/s) Meridional wind stress component (Pa) Sampling length Wind Speed (m/s) Wind speed error (m/s) Wind stress (Pa) Zonal wind component (m/s) Zonal wind error (m/s) Zonal wind stress component (Pa) |
Zonal | Global by 0.25 deg |
Meridional | 80S to 80.25N by 0.25 deg |
Vertical | surface |
Temporal | Mar 21, 2007 to (present - 2 days) by 1 day(s) |
Static? | no |
Volume | 1.36Mb per variable per day |
Server | public: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Source | ASCAT Document [Daily ASCAT Surface Wind Fields] |
Acquired | Mar 3, 2011 (Updated Daily) |
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