The CFS version 2 was developed at the Environmental Modeling Center at NCEP. It is a fully coupled model representing the interaction between the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, land and seaice. It became operational at NCEP in March 2011.
Please reference the following article when using the CFS Reanalysis (CFSR) data.
Saha, Suranjana, and Coauthors, 2010: The NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91, 1015.1057. doi:10.1175/2010BAMS3001.1
Please reference the following article when using the CFS version 2 Reforecast model or data
Saha, Suranjana and Coauthors, 2014: The NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2 Journal of Climate J. Climate, 27, 2185–2208. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00823.1
Variables |
200 mb Velocity Potential [m^2/s], 850 mb Velocity Potential [m^2/s], surface Convective Precipitation Rate [kg/m^2/s], surface Clear Sky Downward Long Wave Flux [W/m^2], surface Clear Sky Downward Solar Flux [W/m^2], surface Clear Sky Upward Solar Flux [W/m^2], surface Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2], surface Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2], surface Ground Heat Flux [W/m^2], surface Ice Cover [Proportion], surface Ice Thickness [m], 450 K isentropic level Potential Vorticity [Km2kg-1s-1], 550 K isentropic level Potential Vorticity [Km2kg-1s-1], 650 K isentropic level Potential Vorticity [Km2kg-1s-1], surface Latent Heat Net Flux [W/m^2], 10C ocean isotherm Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface [m], 15C ocean isotherm Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface [m], 20C ocean isotherm Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface [m], 2.5C ocean isotherm Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface [m], 25C ocean isotherm Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface [m], 28C ocean isotherm Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface [m], 5C ocean isotherm Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface [m], 0-300 m ocean layer Ocean Heat Content [Jm-2], bottom of ocean mixed layer Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface [m], 15 m below sea level Salinity [kg/kg], 5 m below sea level Salinity [kg/kg], bottom of ocean isothermal layer Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface [m], surface Sea Surface Height Relative to Geoid [m], 5 m below sea level Potential Temperature [K], 15 m below sea level Potential Temperature [K], layer ocean surface and 26C ocean isothermal level Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential [Jm^-2K], 15 m below sea level U-Component of Current [m/s], 5 m below sea level U-Component of Current [m/s], 15 m below sea level V-Component of Current [m/s], 5 m below sea level V-Component of Current [m/s], 55 m below sea level Vertical Velocity (Geometric) [m/s], surface Precipitation Rate [kg/m^2/s], surface Pressure [Pa], mean sea level Pressure Reduced to MSL [Pa], 200 mb Stream Function [m^2/s], 850 mb Stream Function [m^2/s], entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) Precipitable Water [kg/m^2], 2 m above ground Specific Humidity [kg/kg], 500 mb Specific Humidity [kg/kg], 700 mb Specific Humidity [kg/kg], 850 mb Specific Humidity [kg/kg], 925 mb Specific Humidity [kg/kg], surface Water Runoff [kg/m^2], surface Sensible Heat Net Flux [W/m^2], surface Snow Phase Change Heat Flux [W/m^2], 0-0.1 m below ground Volumetric Soil Moisture Content [Fraction], 0.1-0.4 m below ground Volumetric Soil Moisture Content [Fraction], 0.4-1 m below ground Volumetric Soil Moisture Content [Fraction], 1-2 m below ground Volumetric Soil Moisture Content [Fraction], 0-0.1 m below ground Temperature [K], 1000 mb Temperature [K], 200 mb Temperature [K], 250 mb Temperature [K], 2 mb Temperature [K], 500 mb Temperature [K], 50 mb Temperature [K], 700 mb Temperature [K], 850 mb Temperature [K], entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) Total Cloud Cover [%], 2 m above ground Maximum Temperature [K], 2 m above ground Minimum Temperature [K], 2 m above ground Temperature [K], 1 hybrid level Temperature [K], surface Temperature [K], surface Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2], top of atmosphere Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2], surface Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2], top of atmosphere Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2], 500 mb Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s], surface Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth [kg/m^2], 1000 mb U-Component of Wind [m/s], 1000 mb V-Component of Wind [m/s], 10 m above ground U-Component of Wind [m/s], 10 m above ground V-Component of Wind [m/s], 200 mb U-Component of Wind [m/s], 200 mb V-Component of Wind [m/s], 250 mb U-Component of Wind [m/s], 250 mb V-Component of Wind [m/s], 500 mb U-Component of Wind [m/s], 500 mb V-Component of Wind [m/s], 700 mb U-Component of Wind [m/s], 700 mb V-Component of Wind [m/s], 850 mb U-Component of Wind [m/s], 850 mb V-Component of Wind [m/s], 925 mb U-Component of Wind [m/s], 925 mb V-Component of Wind [m/s], surface Momentum Flux, U-Component [N/m^2], surface Momentum Flux, V-Component [N/m^2], 1000 mb Geopotential Height [gpm], 200 mb Geopotential Height [gpm], 500 mb Geopotential Height [gpm], 700 mb Geopotential Height [gpm], 850 mb Geopotential Height [gpm] |
Zonal | Global by 0.5 deg |
Meridional | Global by 0.5 deg |
Vertical | |
Temporal | Apr 1, 2011 to May 31, 2017 by 6 hours |
Static? | no |
Volume | |
Server | public: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Source | |
Acquired | July 5, 2016 (Updated Jun 2017) |
APDRC contact | |
Supplements | |