ECCO2 1/8 deg unconstrained model output

(a subset for testing purposes)

This sub-set data contains 3-D monthly-mean fields of U, V, T and S. They are calendar-month averages, i.e., 31 days for January, 28 or 29 days for February, 31 days for March, and so-on and so-forth. Model is initialized at hour 0:00 UTC on January 1, 1992, and integrated using 1200-s time steps.

The model grid spans 80S to 80N. It is initialized from rest and Levitus on January 1, 1992 and forced by NCEP fluxes at the surface until end of 1999. Starting in 2000, the model is forced with NCEP surface atmospheric conditions and bulk formulae.

Zonal and meridional velocities (m/s), potential temperature (°C), salinity (minus 35 psu)
Zonal100°E-140°E by 0.125 deg
Meridional25°S-30°N by 0.125*cos(latitude) deg
Vertical 5 to 5906.2 in 50 levels
TemporalJan 2002 to Dec 2002 by 1 month
Volume1.5 Gbytes
Server public:
Source at NASA/JPL
AcquiredMarch 9, 2006
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