NASA JPL ECCO-V4r4 model output
Version 4 Release 4 (V4r4), covering the period 1992-2017, represents ECCO's latest ocean state estimate. This product is an updated edition to that described by Forget et al. (2015, Geosci. Model Dev.). Version 4 is the first multi-decadal ECCO estimate that is truly global, including the Arctic Ocean. The Release 4 edition includes improvements in time-period (1992-2017), model (e.g., sea-ice), observations (e.g., GRACE, Aquarius), and constraints (e.g., correlated errors).
Authors: Fukumori, Ichiro; Wang, Ou; Fenty, Ian; Forget, Gael; Heimbach, Patrick; Ponte, Rui M.
Output provided here contains the monthly model fields interpolated onto a regular lat-lon grid with 0.5 degree resolution in both directions.
As a condition of using this product, you must cite the use of this product using the following citations.
Fukumori, I., O. Wang, I. Fenty, G. Forget, P. Heimbach, and R. M. Ponte, 2019: ECCO Version 4 Release 4, Available at ECCO Version 4 Release 4
Forget, G., J.-M. Campin, P. Heimbach, C. N. Hill, R. M. Ponte, and C. Wunsch, 2015:
ECCO version 4: an integrated framework for non-linear inverse modeling and global ocean
state estimation. Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 3071-3104, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-3071-2015
For more information please see: README and documents.
Variables |
Vertical Advective Flux of Salinity (psu.m^3/s), Vertical Advective Flux of Pot.Temperature (degC.m^3/s),
Vertical Diffusive Flux of Salinity (Explicit part) (psu.m^3/s), Vertical Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature (Explicit part) (degC.m^3/s), Vertical Diffusive Flux of Salinity (Implicit part) (psu.m^3/s), Vertical Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature (Implicit part) (degC.m^3/s), Stratification: d.Sigma/dr (kg/m3/m), Free Surface Height Anomaly (Ocean-Ice Interface) (m), East-West Comp. of Velocity (m/s), East-West Geometry-Weighted Comp of Velocity (m/s), East-West Comp. of Bolus Velocity (m/s), Mixed-Layer Depth (>0) (m), North-South Comp. of Velocity (m/s), North-South Geometry-Weighted Comp of Velocity (m/s), North-South Comp. of Bolus Velocity (m/s), Ocean Bottom Pressure adjusted with global steric height change (m), OBP with Global Mean Air-Pressure Removed (m), net surface Fresh-Water flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 decreases salinity (kg/m^2/s), net surface heat flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 increases theta (W/m^2), net Short-Wave radiation (+=down), >0 increases theta (W/m^2), Salt plume depth based on density criterion (>0) (m), net surface Salt flux rejected into the ocean during freezing, (+=down) (g/m^2/s), salt tendency due to salt plume flux >0 increases salinity (g/m^2/s), East-West Comp. surface wind stress, >0 increases EVel (N/m^2), North-South Comp. surface wind stress, >0 increases NVel (N/m^2), U Comp. surface wind stress, >0 increases uVel (N/m^2), V Comp. surface wind stress, >0 increases vVel (N/m^2), Bottom Pressure Pot.(p/rhoConst) Anomaly (m^2/s^2) w.r.t. the product of gravity and ocean bottom depth. RhoConst is a constant density of 1029 kg/m^3 and gravity 9.81 m/s^2., Hydrostatic Pressure Pot.(p/rho) Anomaly (m^2/s^2), Density Anomaly (=Rho-rhoConst) (kg/m^3), Salinity (psu), total salt flux (match salt-content variations), >0 increases salt (g/m^2/s), SEAICE fractional ice-covered area [0 to 1] (m^2/m^2), Net freshwater flux from atmosphere & land (+=down) (kg/m^2/s), Net atmospheric heat flux, >0 decreases theta (W/m^2), SEAICE loading (in Mass of ice+snow / area unit) (kg/m^2), SEAICE effective ice thickness (m), SEAICE effective snow thickness (m), Snow precip. (+=dw) over Sea-Ice (area weighted) (kg/m^2/s), SEAICE x-dir. ice velocity (m/s), SEAICE y-dir. ice velocity (m/s), Surface Height Anomaly adjusted with global steric height change and sea-ice load (m), Dynamic SSH (SSH-SSHIB) (m), Inverted Barometer SSH (m), total heat flux (match heat-content variations), >0 increases theta (W/m^2), Potential Temperature (degC), U Comp of Velocity (m/s) that is along the model's x-direction, but may not be eastward. EVEL is the eastward velocity, U Geometry-Weighted Comp of Velocity (m/s) that is UVEL times hFacW to account for partially filled cells (hFacW is between 0 and 1.), U Comp of Bolus Velocity (m/s) that is along the model's x-direction, but may not be eastward, V Comp of Velocity (m/s) that is along the model's y-direction, but may not be northward. NVEL is the northward velocity, V Geometry-Weighted Comp of Velocity (m/s) that is VVEL times hFacS to account for partially filled cells (hFacS is between 0 and 1.), V Comp of Bolus Velocity (m/s) that is along the model's y-direction, but may not be northward, Vertical Comp of Velocity (m/s), Vertical Comp of Bolus Velocity (m/s), plus 19 "EXF" feilds listed in Readme_ecco-v4r4
Zonal | Global by 0.5 deg |
Meridional | Global by 0.5 deg |
Vertical | 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75.005, 85.025, 95.095, 105.31, 115.87,
127.15, 139.74, 154.47, 172.4, 194.735, 222.71, 257.47, 299.93, 350.68,
409.93, 477.47, 552.71, 634.735, 722.4, 814.47, 909.74, 1007.155,
1105.905, 1205.535, 1306.205, 1409.15, 1517.095, 1634.175, 1765.135,
1914.15, 2084.035, 2276.225, 2491.25, 2729.25, 2990.25, 3274.25, 3581.25,
3911.25, 4264.25, 4640.25, 5039.25, 5461.25, 5906.25 m Vertical coordinate of upper cell interface: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.01, 90.04, 100.15, 110.47, 121.27, 133.03, 146.45, 162.49, 182.31, 207.16, 238.26, 276.68, 323.18, 378.18, 441.68, 513.26, 592.16, 677.31, 767.49, 861.45, 958.03, 1056.28, 1155.53, 1255.54, 1356.87, 1461.43, 1572.76, 1695.59, 1834.68, 1993.62, 2174.45, 2378, 2604.5, 2854, 3126.5, 3422, 3740.5, 4082, 4446.5, 4834, 5244.5, 5678 |
Temporal | Jan 1992 to Dec 2017 monthly |
Static? | no |
Volume | ~572gb |
Server | public: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Source | |
Acquired | April 14, 2020 |
APDRC contact | |
Supplements | Readme_ecco-v4r4 |