GPCC precipitation v.6 1.0 degree

GPCC full rainfall data product version 6, 1.0 degree data

Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) produces global maps of monthly rain gauge based precipitation. This Full Data Reanalysis Product is of much higher accuracy compared to the GPCC near real-time products. Therefore, its application is recommended for hydrometeorological model verification and water cycle studies, e.g. in context of UNESCO, GEWEX, and GTN-H (Global Terrestrial Network for Hydrology). This analysis product is based on all stations, near real-time and non real-time, in the GPCC data base supplying data for the individual month. The GPCC Full Data Reanalysis Product Version 6 covers the period from 1901 to 2010 ; this new extended product version using the new GPCC climatology as analysis background was generated in Dec. 2011. The data coverage per month varies from less than 10,000 to more than 47,000 stations. The full data re-analyses will be updated at irregular time intervals subsequent to significant data base improvements.

The in situ data were gridded on 1.0 degree lon/lat map.
Caution should be taken when using the data as the number of rainfall gauges varies widely in time. For studies related to long term precipitation trends VASClimO 50-year dataset is recommended.

Always quote citation when using data!
Schneider, Udo; Becker, Andreas; Finger, Peter; Meyer-Christoffer, Anja; Rudolf, Bruno; Ziese, Markus (2011): GPCC Full Data Reanalysis Version 6.0 at 1.0°: Monthly Land-Surface Precipitation from Rain-Gauges built on GTS-based and Historic Data. DOI: 10.5676/DWD_GPCC/FD_M_V6_100

rainfall (mm/month), number of rain gauges in lat/lon box
ZonalGlobal by 1.0 deg
MeridionalGlobal by 1.0 deg
TemporalJan 1901 to Jan 2010 by 1 month
AcquiredSeptember 7, 2012
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