Japanese 25-year ReAnalysis (JRA-25) is produced by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) in collaboration with Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI. The global model resolution is T106L40 (model top: 0.4hPa). Reanalysis period is from Jananuary 1979.
Variables | Precipitation rate (mm/day), Clear sky long/short wave flux at surface (W/m^2), Total cloud water (kg/m^2), Model surface height (m), Zonal/meridional momemtum flux by long/short gravity wave (N/m^2), Frequency of cumulus precipitation (%), High/middle/Low level cloud cover (%), Ice concentration (ice=1; no ice=0), Latent/sensible heat flux (W/m^2), Surface pressure (Pa), Mean pressure reduced to MSL (Pa),Maximum hourly precipitaion (mm/hour),Precipitable water (kg/m^2),Surface specific humidity (kg/kg), Surface relative humidity (%), Surface roughness (m), Specific humidity (kg/kg), Specific humidity at the lowest model level (kg/kg), 6-hourly snowfall rate water equivalent (kg/m^2/s), Total cloud cover (%), Surface 2m air maximum temperature (K),Surface 2m air minimum temperature (K), Surface 2m air temperature (K),Temperature at the lowest model level (K),Surface 2m air temperature (K), Column total of diabatic heat (W/m^2),Zonal momentum flux by friction (N/m^2), Surface 10m zonal/meridional wind (m/s),Zonal wind at lowest model level (m/s),Upward long wave radiation flux at surface/top (W/m^2), Surface 10m zonal/meridional wind (m/s), Upward solar radiation at surface/top (W/m^2), Column total of zonal water vapor flux (kg/m/s), Meridional/zonal momentum flux by friction (N/m^2), Meridional wind at lowest model level (m/s),Column total of TU/TV (K*Pa*m/s), Column total of meridional water vapor flux (Kg/m/s), Surface 10m maximum surface wind (m/s), Maximum surface wind at lowest model level (m/s), SST and sea ice surface temperature (K) |
Zonal | Global by 1.125 deg |
Meridional | Global by 1.125 deg |
Vertical | surface |
Temporal | Jan Climatology to Dec Climatology by 1 day(s) |
Static? | yes |
Volume | 1.65GB |
Server | public: |
Source | http://jra.kishou.go.jp/JRA-25/index_en.html |
Acquired | Apr 20, 2007 |
APDRC contact | |
Supplements |