Japanese 25-year ReAnalysis (JRA-25) 6 hourly surface
Japanese 25-year ReAnalysis (JRA-25) is produced by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) in collaboration with Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI. The global model resolution is T106L40 (model top: 0.4hPa). Reanalysis period is from January 1979.
Variables | surface Convective precipitation [kg/m^2]; surface Brunt-Vaisala frequency^2 [1/s^2]; surface Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]; surface Lifted parcel condensation pressure [Pa]; surface Covariance between v and T [K*m/s]; surface Clear sky downward long wave flux [W/m^2]; surface Clear sky downward solar flux [W/m^2]; top of atmos Clear sky upward long wave flux [W/m^2]; surface Clear sky upward solar flux [W/m^2]; top of atmos Clear sky upward solar flux [W/m^2]; surface Cloud water [kg/m^2]; surface Geometric height [m]; surface Downward long wave flux [W/m^2]; surface Downward short wave flux [W/m^2]; top of atmos Downward short wave flux [W/m^2]; surface Canopy water evaporation [W/m^2]; surface High level cloud cover [%]; surface Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0) [fraction]; surface Ice-free water surface [%]; surface Low level cloud cover [%]; surface Latent heat flux [W/m^2]; surface Mid level cloud cover [%]; surface Near IR beam downward solar flux [W/m^2]; surface Large scale precipitation [kg/m^2]; surface Near IR diffuse downward solar flux [W/m^2]; surface Natural log of surface pressure [ln(kPa)]; surface Ozone mixing ratio [kg/kg]; surface Precip index (0.0-1.00) [fraction]; surface Pressure [Pa]; Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]; surface Potential vorticity (mass-weighted) [1/s/m]; surface Precipitable water [kg/m^2]; surface Relative humidity [%]; surface Surface roughness [m]; surface Sensible heat flux [W/m^2]; surface Specific humidity [kg/kg]; Specific humidity [kg/kg]; surface Snowfall rate water equiv. [kg/m^2/s]; surface Total cloud cover [%]; surface Max. temp. [K]; surface Min. temp. [K]; surface Temp. [K]; Temp. [K]; surface Std. dev. of IR T over 1x1 deg area [K]; Std. dev. of IR T over 1x1 deg area [K]; surface 3-hr pressure tendency (Std Atmos Red) [Pa/s]; surface Zonal gravity wave stress [N/m^2]; surface Zonal momentum flux [N/m^2]; surface u wind [m/s]; u wind [m/s]; surface Upward long wave flux [W/m^2]; top of atmos Upward long wave flux [W/m^2]; surface Upward short wave flux [W/m^2]; top of atmos Upward short wave flux [W/m^2]; surface Meridional gravity wave stress [N/m^2]; surface Meridional momentum flux [N/m^2]; surface v wind [m/s]; v wind [m/s]; surface Vertical speed shear [1/s]; surface Water temp. [K]; |
Zonal | Global by 1.125 deg |
Meridional | Global by 1.125 deg |
Vertical | surface |
Temporal | Jan 1979 to Jun 2010 by 6 hour(s) |
Static? | no |
Volume | 530G |
Server | public: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Source | http://jra.kishou.go.jp/JRA-25/index_en.html |
Acquired | July 23, 2010 |
APDRC contact | |
Supplements |