Variables | geopotential height (m), zonal wind (m/s), meridional wind (m/s), temperature (k), pressure vertical velocity (pa/s), geometric vertical velocity (m/s), relative humidity (percent), absolute vorticity (1/s), mixing ratio of cloud water with ice (kg/kg), mixing ratio of rain water with snow (kg/kg), pressure (pa), precipitable water (kg/m2), relative humidity (percent), geopotential height (m), temperature (k), pressure (pa), zonal wind (m/s), meridional wind (m/s), speed shear (1/s), surface lifted index (k), convective ape (j/kg), convective inhibition (w/m2), best lifted index (k), geopotential height (m), temperature (k), pressure (pa), zonal wind (m/s), meridional wind (m/s), geopotential height (m), sea-level pressure (pa), relative humidity (percent), temperature (k), volumetric soil moisture content (fraction), temperature (k), water equivalent of snow depth (kg/m2), sea-land mask (), ice concentration (), zonal wind (m/s), meridional wind (m/s), temperature (k), specific humidity (kg/kg), maximum temperature (k), minimum temperature (k), planetary boundary layer height (m), relative humidity (percent) |