OFES Climatology 0.5deg

Reduced resolution (0.5 degree) OFES output, climatological forcing, last six years of 50-year integration

The OGCM For the Earth Simulator (OFES) is a global 0.1x0.1 degree model forced by NCEP winds, but the output was averaged over a 0.5-degree grid. It was run for 50 years, and this output is monthly means for the last six years (years 45-50) of a climatologically forced integration. This model is based on MOM-3.0.

ocean velocity (u, v and w; cm/s), temperature (°C), salinity ((psu-35)/1000), free surface (cm), boundary layer height (cm), mixed layer depth (cm), surface fresh water flux (g/cm/s2), wind stress (taux and tauy; dyn/cm2)
ZonalGlobal by 0.5 deg
MeridionalGlobal by 0.5 deg
Vertical 2.5 to 5900, 54 levels 
TemporalJan 0045 to Dec 0050 by 1 month(s)
Volume560MB per variable per month (all levels)
AcquiredMar 4, 2004
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