Pacific Islands Gridded Monthly Rain and Standard Errors from PACRAIN

The Comprehensive Pacific Rainfall Data Base (PACRAIN) was developed under a research grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s Climate Program Office/Climate Observation Division. The PACRAIN project has been supplemented by an extensive collection of rainfall data from schools across the Pacific in the Schools of the Pacific Rainfall Climate Experiment (SPaRCE). Each participating school is sent a rain gauge, instructional manuals and videotapes, and data sheets. Students at the schools record daily rainfall measurements and return the forms to the University of Oklahoma, where they are entered as a part of the PACRAIN database. Additional data analysis and quality-assurance technique development are provided by the Environmental Verification and Analysis Center (EVAC), located at the University of Oklahoma.

The 1-deg monthly gridded estimates are derived using data from atoll stations only. Grids are not available in some months due to the number of available atoll reports being insufficient to meet minimal estimation critera. Also, these estimates are derived statistically and should not be considered representative of rains over land masses with greater area and/or vertical relief than those associated with stations flagged as 'atoll' within the PACRAIN database.


Cook, W.E. and J.S. Greene, 2017: Gridded Historical Sea-level Rainfall for the Tropical Pacific. Submitted for review Oct. 2017 to J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.

Greene, J.S., M. Klatt, M. Morrissey and S. Postawko, 2008: The Comprehensive Pacific Rainfall Database. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 25(1), 71-82.

Postawko, S., M. Morrissey, and B. Gibson, 1994: The Schools of the Pacific Rainfall Climate Experiment: Combining research and education. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 75(8), 1260–1266.

Taylor, R. C., 1973: An Atlas of Pacific Islands Rainfall. Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Data Rep. 25, 174 pp.

Estimated Monthly Rainfall (mm)
Kriging standard error of back-transformed rainfall estimates (mm)
Kriging standard error of transformed rainfall estimates (mm^1/2)
Zonal 120°E to 270°E by 1 deg
Meridional 45°S to 28°N by 1 deg
Temporal Jan 1930 to May 2024 by 1 month
Volume 60 MB
Acquired Jan 4, 2019 (Updated July 2024)
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