Daily QuikSCAT (3-day aver.)

Daily gridded QuikSCAT (3-day moving averages) sea wind and derived fields

The microwave scatterometer (QuikSCAT) flown on QuikBird satellite measures back scatter radiation in Ku-band (~ 14 GHz). The return signal power is proportional to surface stress over the ocean that can be related to surface wind vector (u and v components) at 10-m height assuming neutral stratification. In addition to u and v components, average wind speed and surface pseudostress vector are provided. The data are remapped to 1/4 degree lat/lon grid and 3-day moving averages were constructed (the date indicated is the middle of each 3-day period).

Original data as processed by Remote Sensing System were obtained from www.ssmi.com site. If you use the data please cite: "QuikScat data are produced by Remote Sensing Systems and sponsored by the NASA Ocean Vector Winds Science Team. Data are available at www.remss.com."

U pseudo stress component (m/s)*(m/s), U wind component (m/s), V pseudo stress component (m/s)*(m/s), V wind component (m/s), Surface wind speed (m/s)
ZonalGlobal by 0.25 deg
MeridionalGlobal by 0.25 deg
TemporalJul 1999 to Aug 30, 2009 by 1 day(s)
Static? yes
Volume17.9 Gb
AcquiredJan 1, 2005 (updated Aug 2009)
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