QuikSCAT monthly climatology

QuikSCAT monthly climatology

Monthly gridded QSCAT sea wind and derived climatologies.

The microwave scaterometer (QuikSCAT) flown on QuikBird satellite measures back scatter radiation in Ku-band (~ 14 GHz). The return signal power is proportional to surface stress over the ocean and that can be related to surface wind vector (u and v components) at 10 m height assuming neutral stratification. In addition to u and v components, average wind speed and surface pseudostress vector are provided. The data are remapped to 1/4 degree lat/lon map. Original data as processed by Remote Sensing System were obtained from www.ssmi.com site. Monthly data from Jan 2000 to Dec 2007 were averaged to construct the monthly climatology.

If you use the data please cite : "QuikScat data are produced by Remote Sensing Systems and sponsored by the NASA Ocean Vector Winds Science Team. Data are available at www.remss.com".

U pseudo stress component (m/s)*(m/s), U wind component (m/s), V pseudo stress component (m/s)*(m/s), V wind component (m/s), Surface wind speed (m/s)
ZonalGlobal by 0.25 deg
MeridionalGlobal by 0.25 deg
TemporalJan Climatology to Dec Climatology by 1 month(s)
Volume248 Mb
AcquiredAug 2009
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