World Ocean Database 2009 (WOD09) is a scientifically quality-controlled database of selected historical in-situ surface and subsurface oceanographic measurements produced by the Ocean Climate Laboratory (OCL) at the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC), Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. WOD09 updates and expands on an earlier version of the World Ocean Database 2005 (WOD05) product by including new data and implementation of the ISO 3166-1 country code standards in the cruise identifier. Data are both historical and modern with the most recent data from 2008. WOD09 was created to provide the full set of data and quality control procedures used to calculate climatologies of temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, silicate, and nitrate to produce the World Ocean Atlas 2009 (WOA09). The WOD09 database includes oceanographic variables measured at “observed” depth levels as well as interpolated to a set of 33 “standard” depth levels.
The data are stored in 11 datasets (Ocean Station Data – OSD; High-resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth – CTD; Mechanical/Digital/Micro Bathythermograph – MBT; Expendable Bathythermograph – XBT; Surface – SUR; Autonomous Pinniped Bathythermograph – APB; Moored Buoy – MRB; Profiling Float – PFL; Drifting Buoy – DRB; Undulating Oceanographic Recorder – UOR; and Glider – GLD) each one representing a group of similar oceanographic probes.
APDRC only serves the geographically sorted OSD, CTD and XBT datasets at both the observed and standard depth levels. The WOD includes quality control flags that are set during automatic and subjective quality control steps in the calculation of WOA09 climatologies. There are quality control flags with each measurement and for each profile; and are provided here. The quality control flags for each depth of measurement are also served here. For the different quality flags (qf) please refer Table 12 in the WOD09 documentation at
Ocean Station Data (OSD)
Ocean Station Data has historically referred to measurements made from a stationary research ship using reversing thermometers and water samples collected from bottles tripped at depths of interest in the water column. The water samples are analyzed to measure variables, including water salinity, oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, silicate, nitrate plus nitrite), chlorophyll, pCO2, TCO2, and tracers (Tritium, Δ13Carbon, Δ14Carbon, Freons, Helium, Δ3Helium, Δ18Oxygen, and Neon) concentrations. The two most commonly used bottle types are the Nansen and Niskin. The OSD dataset includes bottle data, low-resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data, Salinity- Temperature- Depth (STD), some surface-only data with specific characteristics, some low-resolution Expendable XCTDs, and plankton taxonomic and biomass measurements.
Variables | Temperature (degC) Salinity (psu) Oxygen (ml/l) Phosphate (µM) Silicate (µM) Nitrate plus nitrite (µmole/l) pH Chlorophyll (µg/l) Alkalinity (meq/l) pCO2 (µatm) Dissolved inorganic carbon (mM) Transmissivity (1/m) Pressure (decibar) Tritium (TU) Helium (nM) Δ3Helium (%) Δ14Carbon (‰) Δ13Carbon (‰) Argon (nM) Neon (nM) Chlorofluorocarbon 11 (pM) Chlorofluorocarbon 12 (pM) Chlorofluorocarbon 13 (pM) Δ18Oxygen (‰) |
Zonal | Station data |
Meridional | Station data |
Vertical | Observed and standard levels |
Temporal | Historical to 2008 |
Static? | yes |
Volume | Over two million profiles |
Server | public: ![]() ![]() |
Source | |
Acquired | Jan 18, 2006 (Updated Nov 2011) |
APDRC contact | |
Supplements | |